Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hello friends...Hope you guys enjoyed my post on website blocking...Now I will show you how to create a hidden account in Windows XP...This hidden account is invisible in User Account panel, as well as in Log on screen...It can be achieved using a simple registry trick...This trick will give you a good privacy in a multi-user system...Just follow the following steps carefully...

1. Goto "start", then goto "Control Panel", next "User Accounts"...

2. Click "Create a new account"...Make sure that you are picking an account type as "Computer administrator"...Your new account will be created, i.e Extreme Hacker...Now I will show you how to hide this account...

3. Goto "start" and click "Run"...

4. Type "regedit" and click "Ok"...the Registry Editor will appear...

5. In registry editor goto:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

6. At right side create a new "DWORD value"...Rename it the account you created i.e Extreme Hacker...Now set the "Value data" as 0...Click "Ok"...

7. Reboot your system...At Log on screen, press alt+ctrl+del twice...A new window will appear...Put the hidden account name and password (if needed) there and log in...

You are done...Your account is now hidden...Enjoy your privacy :-)

Happy Hacking...Enjoy...

For educational purpose only...Do not misuse it...


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